Our fundamental goal is to generate a net-positive effect on the environment. We believe in accomplishing this by partnering with individuals and institutions that share our values and are willing to collaborate to achieve common goals.
We strive in all of our projects to achieve the highest level of performance possible with the tools at our disposal and the support provided by our client-collaborators. By focusing exclusively on high performance buildings, we have gained an intuitive and practical understanding of how to ensure that our projects meet these goals. We take satisfaction in developing innovative solutions that embody and express our clients’ aspirations in built form.
A Positive Model
By their nature, buildings impose burdens on the environment, in their use of space and natural resources and—crucially—in the energy used in their operations and embodied in their materials and construction. Without a proactive approach that transforms buildings into centers of positive impact, all new construction contributes to the environmental crisis of climate change. If we agree on this fundamental understanding, how should we move forward? Read More