Bruce Irving writes in Perspective Magazine about German Windows
Bruce Irving, who knows the building business from renovations to new construction, wrote an amusing and insightful article about the pros and cons of German windows, and their use in American buildings. The exceptional craftsmanship and passive house level of energy performance are well know about German windows. Bruce has done a very good job of describing why German windows are amazing, and also what appropriate applications for them might be in this country… If I may quote the article: “They come across the water at a cost, of course– at least double that of typical high-quality American units—and are therefore not for everyone or every house. Just as one wouldn’t want to put Ferrari wheels on a Dodge Dart, and expect the old girl to act like a racer, the windows should match the performance level of the building they’re going into.” An Amusing and accurate comment. To read the rest of the article please visit page 40 on the following link: