Kneer-Sudefenster + GO Logic
It’s difficult to find enough superlatives to describe just how much we appreciate the work of Kneer-Sudfenster, the German window company that supplies exterior doors and windows for a majority of our projects. While their custom-sized, triple paned products have become a staple of GO Logic designs, delivering extraordinary insulating and solar heat gain performance at prices competitive with lesser-performing double paned products from other manufacturers, their staff also has become an invaluable resource, helping us work through any technical challenge we may throw their way. When, for example, a homeowner was interested to see how the windows for their project would be fabricated, Kneer Sud responded immediately with so many photos from their new facility in Westerheim that is was almost as good as being right on the assembly line.
All photographs copyright Kneer-Sudfenster 2013.