NESEA + BuildingEnergy14
On March 4th, at the Seaport World Trade Center in Boston, MA, Matthew O’Malia and Alan Gibson, GO Logic principals, along with Svea Tullberg, GO Logic’s in-staff Certified Passive House Consultant, and Morty Hansen, GO Logic Construction Foreman, will be presenting a full-day workshop at the Northeast Sustainable Energy Association’s BuildingEnergy (BE14) conference. BE14 is the region’s largest renewable energy and high performance building conference, attracting over 3,200 professionals in the building, energy and environment, and government sectors, as well as students, educators and non-profit organizations. Here is the description of the workshop: Passive House in Practice: Design/Build/Refine/Repeat “Meeting the Passive House standard in the Northeast is tough. Finding customers willing to pay for it is equally challenging. Creating a business to do all Passive House all the time is insane – or is it? An architect and builder share their approach for doing just that: the sales pitch for Passive House, strategies to make it cost-effective, and the details and systems that make the building process no more of a mystery than standard construction.” We are thrilled to be presenting this in-depth, extensive workshop at BE14 this year. If you are interested in attending, tickets are still available through the NESEA website. BE14 runs from March 4-6th.