Passive House from Coast to Coast!
The Passive House standard appears to be taking the US by storm, as evidenced by the two most recent Passive House Conferences, one on each coast. The 9th Annual North American Passive House Conference took place in San Francisco in early September. Alan Gibson traveled west to present our Warren Woods Ecological Field Station project, built for the University of Chicago and the first certified Passive House laboratory in the US. While in the Bay Area, Alan also participated in meetings with the board of PHAUS (the Passive House Alliance US), whose mission is to promote passive house education throughout the country through membership with local and regional chapters. Later in the month, Matt O’Malia presented at NAPHN14, the North American Passive House Networks first annual conference. Held on our home turf of Portland Maine, this two day conference brought leaders in the Passive House movement together for workshops and a lobster dinner, and included a tour of local passive house buildings, including the Belfast Cohousing and Ecovillage, designed and built by GO Logic. Matt was particularly honored to have Dr. Wolfgang Feist attend his presentation on the Warren Woods Ecological Field Station for the University of Chicago.